Easter Sunday Sermon: The View From The Tomb (John 20:1-10)
Read moreArchival Post: Lovers of Self
Lovers of Self
Archival Post
Self-love is heralded as the accepted religion of our day. The Roman Empire had its religio-licita, and today's West has its own. To love the self is the greatest of all religions for many of earth's inhabitants today.
Read moreFly 06 — Galatians 3:1-5 — See The Gospel
Sunday Sermon: Fly 06 — Galatians 3:1-5 — See The Gospel
Read morePsalm 2—The Blessed Man, pt. 2
Sunday Sermon: Psalm 2—The Blessed Man, pt. 2
Read moreWhat Assurance Produces - A Fitting Conclusion (1 John 5:21)
What Assurance Produces - A Fitting Conclusion
(1 John 5:21)
John has warned throughout his whole letter of the danger of following the spirit of the antichrist. He's told us Jesus is God the Son who came in the flesh, died in the flesh, and rose in the flesh. He is the true God and shows us the way to the true God. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
Read moreOutworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings (1 John 5:1–5)
Outworkings and Witnesses of the Gospel’s Truthfulness – Three Outworkings
(1 John 5:1–5)
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world after Jesus' ascension. And, over time, John had discovered what the gospel does inside a believer. He knew the gospel message is true, but had also come to discover some of its outworkings. (9 Minutes/2400 Words)
Read moreExile Helps - 1 Peter 3:8-12 - The Grace of Exile #17
Exile Helps - 1 Peter 3:8-12 - The Grace of Exile #17
Read moreArchival Post: Battling Creeping Unbelief
Battling Creeping Unbelief
Archival Post
Creeping, slowly and steadily, unbelief was ready to pounce on the early Jewish believers. They were, after all, outcasts in their culture, for their acceptance of Jesus as Messiah made them different, societal pariahs. So the author of Hebrews compared their generation to Moses'.
Read moreA Healthy Heart Before God - A Basic Description of the Uncondemned Heart (1 John 3:23-24)
A Healthy Heart Before God - A Basic Description of the Uncondemned Heart
(1 John 3:23-24)
John has been helping us learn to deal with our hearts when they condemn us (3:19-20). He has shown us what happens when God sets our hearts free of condemnation (3:21-22). Now John will describe the uncondemned life and heart. (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: We Need the Spirit's Power
We Need The Spirit's Power
Archival Post
Jesus, man, sometimes he drops some wild stuff. The Spirit had come upon some of the Old Testament saints. They did some great things for God. David killed the giant. The prophets prophesied. Esther did her thing. But when God's Spirit came upon those Old Testament heroes, it was temporary and rare. He did not stay in them or upon them, nor did he empower all of them.
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