Sunday Sermon-—Knowing God:Never An Ornamental Extra (Exodus 3:13-4:17)
Read moreCoping With Extreme Pressure (Psalm 17)
Sunday Teaching: Coping With Extreme Pressure (Psalm 17)
Read moreTame the Tongue (James 3:5)
Tame the Tongue
(James 3:5)
"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me" has got to be one of the biggest lies of all time. Words can do grave damage, and James knew it, so the Spirit worked his artistry through James by driving him to compare the power of the tongue to a small fire. (1 Minute/250 Words)
Read moreExodus 12-13
Hey, Calvary family. Thanks for joining us in our study through the book of Exodus. Today we're in Exodus chapters 12 and 13. There is tension now in the text. God has unleashed His wrath upon the Egyptians. Plague after plague has come down upon Pharaoh and his people, and Pharaoh's heart has been hardened.
Read moreDon't Let Your Fire Go Out (Leviticus 6:12-13)
Don't Let Your Fire Go Out
(Leviticus 6:12-13)
Israel's priests had work to do. These men didn't just sit around offering "thoughts and prayers" for the peeps. Nah, dudes worked, and one job they had was to keep the fire on the altar of sacrifice at full blaze. That fire had to roar, lest the sacrificial smoke lazily waft through the camp toward the people. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
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