Catch up on the latest episodes of the Jesus Famous Podcast, a series of conversations with Nate Holdridge discussing ways we can see Jesus famous in our lives.
Read moreSome After Effects of the Fall (Genesis 3:20-24)
Some After Effects of the Fall
(Genesis 3:20-24)
In the midst of all the pain of the fall and the curse, there are some emblems and words of hope. And one of them is found in the way the man called his wife's name Eve, which literally means "living.” He felt she would become. (3 Minutes, 800 Words)
Read moreThe Immediate Results of the Fall (Genesis 3:7-13)
The Immediate Results of the Fall
(Genesis 3:7-13)
Immediately after eating the forbidden fruit, man and woman were given the independence they craved. It wasn't as good as they thought. The eyes of both were opened, and they realized they were naked. Their immediate response was to cover themselves, so **they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths. Innocence was gone. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreThe Fall (Genesis 3:4-6)
The Fall
(Genesis 3:4-6)
At this point, Satan had Eve teed up. He had planted the seeds of doubt in God and in God's word. She was ready for destruction, primed for manipulation. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Read moreFollow #29 -- Mark 10:1-12 -- Garden Marriage
When sin entered the world, the relationship between men and women was capsized. God created his world. He put man and woman in it to cultivate and subdue it -- together. But when they sinned, death was introduced to the planet. This death was not immediate. It was slow. Nor was it only a physical and future death. It was spiritual, emotional, and relational. Life ceased to work as it was intended. And, as you scan history, this brokenness is often displayed in marriage.