Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 10—God Tests—Exodus 15:22-17:7
Read moreKnowing God 09—God's Song—Exodus 15:1-21
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 09—God's Song—Exodus 15:1-21
Read moreThe Man of War: Exodus 15:1-3
The Man of War
Exodus 12:1-3
When Christ called the church of Ephesus back to its first love, he called all of us back to ours (Revelation 2:4-5). Years of church services and small groups, decades of ministry and study, if we aren’t careful, have the potential of developing into apathy.
Read moreThe Man of War (Exodus 12:1-3)
The Man of War
(Exodus 12:1-3)
Israel, with broken backs and dispirited souls, cried out to the God of their fathers. Egyptian whips slashed their bodies, and slavery's demands induced prayer. "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are yours. Where are you?" And God heard their cry and saw their misery. He was ready to move. (4 Minutes/950 Words)
Read moreExodus 14-15
Even though Pharaoh had allowed the people of Israel to depart after the terrible events of the Passover were unleashed upon his own household and the households of every Egyptian, there is one last demonstration of God's power that needs to be performed for the people of Israel to fully be set free from Egypt and belong to God. Make no mistake, the people of Israel are exiting slavery from Egypt, but are entering into service of God.
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