Paul tells us who this war is with: Satan, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces of evil. Paul takes no time defending the reality of these forces. To him, their presence is undeniable. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreThe Silly Bird (Proverbs 27:8)
The Silly Bird
(Proverbs 27:8)
Silly bird. Don't stray from your nest. Departing from your place of safety -- your responsibilities -- it only leads to pain. You looked to the horizon and thought flight was the answer. But you've got all you need right there. At home. In your nest. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreTake Up a Wartime Mentality (Ephesians 6:10-12)
When one sits down to read the Bible, they will often begin in Genesis. There, the story unfolds with the beauty and extravagance of God’s creation. He speaks light into being. He commands the separation of the waters. Dry land and vegetation appear. Lights appear in the heavens. Animals are formed in the sea and sky and earth. (6 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreUnited In The Workplace -- Leaders (Ephesians 6:9)
Paul shifts his exhortations for the workplace from the slaves to the masters, from the working class to management. “Do the same to them,” he says. He had just written to the slaves to respectfully obey their masters, as to the Lord. Masters are to do the same. But how can a master obey their servants? How does a leader obey the laborers? (3 Minutes/500 Words)
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