A historical fiction based on the events of Acts 2 and the theology of the Bible, perpared for a recent Worship Night at Calvary Monterey.
Read moreKnowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Sunday Teaching-—Knowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Read moreThe Cost of Following Christ (Mark 8:34)
The Cost of Following Christ
(Mark 8:34)
In our last post, we thought about the attractiveness of following Christ. Jesus is attractive. And he is the Christ. But the disciples needed to know what kind of Messiah he would be because the wrong view would lead to a wrong view of discipleship. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreWhat Does the Magnificat Say About Mary?
What Does The Magnificat Say About Mary?
The Magnificat - Part 1
Allow me to introduce you to a much better Christmas song than any modern artist could compose. In the early chapters of Luke, three songs were sung. Simeon sang the third after he held baby Jesus in his arms in the temple. Zechariah sang the second after his wife, Elizabeth, in her old age, bore a son they named John. And Mary sang the first after visiting Elizabeth, a relative, while both of them were pregnant. (7 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreThe Curse - How the World Is (Genesis 3:14-19)
The Curse -
How the World Is
(Genesis 3:14-19)
After Adam and Eve fall into sin, God started in on the serpent. He would then address the woman, and finally, the man. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreExodus 29
Here in the second half of the book of Exodus, we're listening in on God giving directions to Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, which they have yet to build. God is going to describe the consecration of all the priests in general, but of the high priest in particular.
Read moreArchival Podcast: Singleness & the Christian Part 1
Singleness & the Christian Part 1
Archival Podcast
“I am happy to share this archival post as a reflection on a topic that has been important to me.
I hope you will enjoy either revisiting this topic with a new awareness or reading it for the first time with fresh eyes.”
click to listen
Singleness & the Christian Part 1
United in the Workplace — Slaves and Masters (Ephesians 6:5-9)
The situation of Paul’s day was horrific. Slavery teemed throughout the Roman world. Some estimate as much as half the empire was enslaved, a fact which was cause for concern amongst the ruling class. A rebellion was feared. Not only large in number, but slaves were also often highly educated, working as physicians, lawyers, and teachers. (3 Minutes, 600 Words)
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