Sunday Sermon: Fly 04 — Galatians 2:11-16 — Live In Step With The Gospel
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Calvary Monterey Growth Nights
Calvary Monterey is starting a new monthly ministry in 2022 called Growth Nights. This night will provide us a chance to dive deeper into church-wide fellowship and intentional spiritual development. For this year, our teaching times will focus on Jesus Famous Men and Jesus Famous Women. (2 Minutes/450 Words)
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Election Year Encouragements for Our Congregation
As everyone is aware, we are in a divisive presidential election season. Though I love my country and consider myself blessed to be a citizen here, as a senior pastor, I grin and bear these seasons every four years. But this year, I thought it could be helpful to offer some pastoral counsel for this election. I want to point you afresh to Jesus and give you some biblical pillars during this disruptive time. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
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