In last week’s post from Galatians, we saw how Paul used the story of Hagar, Sarah, and the birth of their sons from Genesis to illustrate the struggle between law and grace to the Galatians. Today, we’ll see how Paul applies his illustration and consider four applications of the truth he laid out by contrasting Hagar and Sarah.
Read moreStay Free in the Gospel: In Christian Liberty (Galatians 4:12-16)
Today, we pick up in the middle of Paul’s loving appeal to the Galatians, pleading with them to stay firm in the gospel of grace rather than being swayed by false teachers to add practices of Judaism to be accepted by God. As Paul expressed his heart to them, we learn the Spirit’s heart for all of us. Last week, we saw how God wants us to stay simple in our relationship with him, relating to Him as our Father.
Read moreStay Simple in the Gospel: God Is Our Father (Galatians 4:8-11)
We are in the middle of Paul's theological case to the Galatian church. After he had brought them the gospel, they had begun to drift from it. False teachers were telling them they needed to attach the practices of Judaism to their new faith in Christ. Soon, these brand-new Gentile Christians were acting out Old Testament practices in an attempt to become accepted in God's sight. All this was abhorrent to Paul—he referred to it as a gospel contrary to the one they had received, a distorted gospel, a different gospel, one worthy of a curse on all who proclaim it (Galatians 1:6-9).
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