Sunday Teaching: Maturity Profiled 07—The Mature Grow in Wisdom—James 3:13-18
Read moreWhat's Wrong with Adding to the Gospel? Pt. 2 (Gal. 1:1-9)
What's Wrong with Adding to the Gospel? Pt. 2
Galatians 1:1-9
Last week, we began studying the book of Galatians and heard Paul’s urgent message that adding to the gospel is dangerous — it is abandoning Jesus. A second reason adding to the gospel is dangerous is because it is destructive.
Read moreArchival Post: Become A Free Slave (Romans 6:15-23)
Archival Post
I call it the Africa Decision Myth. I’m sure you’ve heard, or maybe even said it, before. The idea is simple: if God asks me to go to Africa, I will go. In other words, I will live my life, my way, and then if God busts in and interrupts everything, gives me a big ol' sign in the heavens, I will do as he asks.
Read moreWhat's Wrong with Adding to the Gospel? Pt. 1 (Gal. 1:1-9)
What's Wrong with Adding to the Gospel? Pt. 1
Galatians 1:1-9
The next book we’ll dive into, beginning today, is Galatians. The theme word for our study of *Galatians* is *"fly."* The end of Paul's letter to the Galatians describes a life in flight — a life that has taken off and is soaring in God's best, God's grace.
Read moreArchival Post: Enjoy Christ’s Gift (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Archival Post
God has, Paul told us, given each believer enabling grace. If the blood of Christ covers us, we are part of the larger body of believers. From His exalted seat in heaven, Christ pours out His grace and Spirit to aid us in the church's work. He is our head. We are His body.
Read moreMaturity Profiled 06—The Mature Tame Their Speech—James 3:1-12
Sunday Teaching: Maturity Profiled 06—The Mature Tame Their Speech—James 3:1-12
Read moreConcluding the Book of Mark (Mark 16:17-20)
Concluding the Book of Mark
Mark 16:17-20
Let's be honest. This passage is likely why many wonder if this should be included in Mark's gospel (see my explanation about this disputed text in last week’s post). Many of us see things like demons, tongues, invincibly picking up snakes, and drinking poison, and run the other way.
Read moreArchival Post: Believe In The Church's Unbreakable Oneness (Ephesians 4:4-6)
The dominant word of this sentence — Paul used it seven times — is “one.” It describes the whole Trinity — one Spirit, one Lord, and one God and Father of all. Paul dreamed of the church. In so doing, he introduced a beautiful truth: the universal church is one because the Triune God is one.
Read moreMaturity Profiled 05—Interlude: Faith Produces Maturity—James 2:14-26
Sunday Teaching: Maturity Profiled 05—Interlude: Faith Produces Maturity—James 2:14-26
Read moreJesus’ Parting Words to the Disciples and Us (Mark 16:15-20)
Jesus’ Parting Words to the Disciples and Us
Mark 16:15-20
Before we jump into our final text of Mark, we have to address the notation in many of our Bibles suggesting that the final twelve verses might not be in the original text.
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