Paul had a roller coaster relationship with the church in Corinth. They loved him. Then they hated him. They admired him. Then they belittled him. Like the ocean tide, the Corinthian believers were up and down in their estimation of the apostle.
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Paul, longing for the church to become fully united to the love of Christ, has prayed for the Spirit to build up our inner person and for Christ to settle in our hearts through faith. Here, he continues his request by asking that the love of Christ would establish us.
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“The believer, grounded in this love, is made stable for every season of life.”
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O Lord, You tested Your man. You saw the vast and weary crowd stay deep into the day. You knew they would need food. You knew they had not prepared for a trip of such duration. So you looked at Philip and said, "Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?" (2 Minutes/500 Words)
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Paul had a roller coaster relationship with the church in Corinth. They loved him. Then they hated him. They admired him. Then they belittled him. Like the ocean tide, the Corinthian believers were up and down in their estimation of the apostle. (4 Minutes, 1000 Words)
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Paul, longing for the church to become fully united to the love of Christ, has prayed for the Spirit to build up our inner person and for Christ to settle in our hearts through faith. Here, he continues his request by asking that the love of Christ would establish us. It is a love, he confesses, which “surpasses knowledge,” but should still root and ground us, running into our the core of our motivations and desires.
4 Minutes / 800 Words
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