Sunday Sermon: Fly 05 — Galatians 2:17-21 — Gospel Life
Read moreChrist and the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
Christ and the Storm
(Mark 4:35-41)
This episode is an identity account—one where the disciples come to terms with Jesus' identity. In this story, they gain a massive clue he is the God of Glory, the Holy One, the Creator and Sustainer of all flesh. They will walk away, amazed by Jesus. (11 Minutes/3000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: More Than Donkeys
More Than Donkeys
Archival Post
Saul had no idea. God wanted him, having chosen him to become the first king of Israel. God had plans for Saul’s life, but Saul puttered along in search of his father’s lost donkeys. Eventually, Samuel interrupted Saul’s quest. He announced he had a prophetic word for Saul. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreFollow #26 – Mark 9:1–13 – Be Helped by Jesus’ Transfiguration
What are we to do with such a beautiful and awe-inspiring episode? What did it mean for them? What did it mean for Jesus? And what does it mean for us?
Read moreMore Than Donkeys (1 Samuel 9: 9-20)
More Than Donkeys
1 Samuel 9: 9-20
Saul had no idea. God wanted him, having chosen him to become the first king of Israel. God had plans for Saul’s life, but Saul puttered along in search of his father’s lost donkeys. Eventually, Samuel interrupted Saul’s quest. He announced he had a prophetic word for Saul. (2 Minutes/500 Words)
Read moreUnited To Your New Self — Who You Are Not (Ephesians 4:17-19)
The transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly stands as a poignant illustration of the truth Paul next communicates to the Ephesians. He dreams of the Ephesians living in the newness of life that is theirs in Christ. He dreams of a church which, given a new nature from Jesus, now sours in that new nature. He sees a people who, like the caterpillar now transformed, are now something entirely different than what they used to be… (5 Minutes / 1000 Words)
Read moreReleased From The Law (Romans 7:1-6)
Released From The Law
Romans 7:1-6
When the people of Israel returned from their captivity in Babylon, significant challenges awaited them. They had small numbers and resources, but big obstacles and enemies. To rebuild Jerusalem and its temple were huge projects. The surrounding people groups did not want them to succeed. The pressure to quit was immense. (20 Minutes / 4000 Words)
Read moreThree Questions Humans Ask, Matthew 6
Recently, I had a conversation with a youth pastor from another church. “What are teenagers going through right now?” I asked...
4 minutes / 700 words
Read moreMetro Calvary Men (Session 2) — Strong Identity (Romans 8:12-17)
Theme: We are debtors to the Spirit (no one else); He has made us children of God (radically so).
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