As usual, the Proverbs demand a choice. Which do you prefer: a clean manger or abundant crops? The proverb teaches that you cannot have both. (2 minutes/600 Words)
Read morePersonal & Pastoral Updates, Prayer Requests
Thank you for reading my writings and listening to my teachings. Your support and encouragement mean so much to me. It spurs me on when I hear of ways God is using the words from the Word to impact your life. So thank you for your prayers and support. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: The Pastor's Wife and Her Church Role
The Bible doesn't say too much about the pastor's wife. We can derive principles by studying leadership, women, and wives in Scripture. But the New Testament “position” of a pastor’s wife is conspicuously absent. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Ease Today, Pain Tomorrow
The wings strain. Push. Press. Push. The caterpillar has become a butterfly, but the struggle to extricate itself from the cocoon is violent. Force exerted. Energy expended. Pain, real and true. With all strength spent, the wings function. No more crawling along. A flier is born. (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreArchival Post & Podcast: Benefits of a Sermon Based Small Group
Calvary Monterey, the church I pastor, embraces a simple ministry model. We aren’t a collection of Sunday plus a billion ministries to subspecific groups. The left-handed-golfers-with-a-plus-13-handicap will have to look elsewhere for a ministry explicitly catered to their needs. Instead, we mostly gather together on Sundays and disperse into homes and coffee shops and office spaces during the week. And when our groups gather, part of their time together is spent in discussion about the previous Sunday’s text and teaching. (5 Minutes/1200 Words)
Read morePersonal & Pastoral Updates, Prayer Requests
Here we are. 2020 is here. And with the new decade and year come fresh opportunities. I believe God is doing great things, and I feel so fortunate to be part of His kingdom here on earth. It has been a privilege to watch Him work over the last 20+ years of ministry. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: 6 Attributes of Good Leaders
One of the main reasons I love the book of Proverbs is the scattered nature of its organization. For much of the book, one line does not bleed into the next. Each proverb stands on its own. This organization is helpful, for nearly every chapter covers a multitude of subjects. Each time I sit down to read the book, massive and varied parts of my life are addressed. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreDecember Update from Pastor Nate
With the coming of the new year, I've decided to do something a little different here at I'm going to share a monthly update on the first Wednesday of the month. I have discovered many of you would love to know what's happening in my life and ministry, and since so many of you pray, this will serve as a great way for me to distribute some prayer requests. If this isn't your jam, that's fine; I don't mean to be a bother. It's just that I don't put much of "myself" into my regular writing and articles, so I hope a monthly update helps you get a better glimpse into what's going on with Nate Holdridge. (4 Minutes/ 1100 Words)
Read moreLeading an End-of-Year Celebration for Your Team
I love the movie Nacho Libre. Many people on my staff love it also, while many hate it, and a couple have never seen it (don't worry, I have rebuked them privately for their sin). So for this theme, I looked up the entire script online and combed through it, looking for quotes or scenes I thought I could turn into awards. (8 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read morePreach the Word With Complete Patience (2 Timothy 4:2)
Ever been on a massive road trip, one which takes coordination and planning? I have, often with family, sometimes with church folks. Many times, I'm the guy in charge. It takes a plan to get from A to Z. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
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