Sunday Teaching: Nehemiah 2—God Renews His People By Awakening Hope
Read moreHebrews 9:28 - Next Christmas
Hebrews 9:28 - Next Christmas
Read moreArchival Post: Planning & Organization - The Need
Planning & Organization
The Need
Archival Post
In 2006, I was drowning. Our church had recently gone through massive changes, and I found myself in a brand new role. After years of working primarily with college and high school groups, I now found myself as an assistant pastor to the general church body. I was asked to wear quite a few hats. I was in a million meetings. I wrote down a million things a day. And almost every day, I had no idea where to start. (3 Minutes/700 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Planning & Organization: Capture Everything
Planning & Organization: Capture Everything
Archival Post
Running along the trails of Toro Park, I remember a ton. As I run, my body works, my mind begins to work as well. Thoughts are processed. Dreams are contemplated. And I remember stuff. Stuff I was supposed to remember to do. Conversations I was supposed to have. Errands I was supposed to run. There, on the trail, without any ability to do a darn thing about them, I remember stuff. (4 Minutes / 700 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Godly Character Beats Ungodly Strength
Godly Character Beats Ungodly Strength
Archival Post
The ace beats the king, and godly character beats ungodly strength. Character matters and this proverb speaks to that truth. Too often the church has brushed aside the necessity of strong moral integrity, but not the Proverbs. (1 Minute/300 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: One Flesh Does Not Include Your Children
One Flesh Does Not Include Your Children
Archival Post
Children are an incredible gift for married couples. They are a heritage from the Lord, a blessing from God (Psalm 127). Still, children present a challenge for marriages. Because our love for our kids’ is strong, it would be easy to overlook the marriage in favor of the family. (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Decision Making: A Look at One Way Paul Did It
Decision Making: A Look at One Way Paul Did It
Archival Post
Have you ever wanted to know how some of the most Spirit-led people make decisions? What does it look like for the ultra-godly to choose where to go and what to do?
Read moreDecision Making: A Look At One Way Paul Did It
3 Minutes / 500 Words
Read moreGodly Character Beats Ungodly Strength, Proverbs 21:22
2 Minutes / 300 Words
Read moreOne Flesh Does Not Include Your Children
When Christina and I met there were no children in the picture. Eventually, after dating, engagement, a wedding, and a brief time of marriage, children came along...
5 Minutes / 1100 Words
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