Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 15—God's Heart—Exodus 25-31
Read moreKnowing God 06—God's Power—Exodus 7-10
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 06—God's Power—Exodus 7-10
Read moreKnowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Sunday Teaching-—Knowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Read moreThe Son Who Came To Make Sons: Why He Arrived (Galatians 4:5)
The Son Who Came To Make Sons: Why He Arrived
(Galatians 4:5)
This verse shows us the fundamental way our relationship to the legal code of God's word shifted when we met Christ. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreThe Son Who Came To Make Sons: When He Arrived (Galatians 4:4a)
The Son Who Came To Make Sons: When He Arrived
(Galatians 4:4a)
The book of Galatians is one of Paul's earliest works. In it, he combatted the idea that faith plus works lead to salvation. He warned his audience about the danger of trying to obtain God's favor through the keeping of the law (and losing God's favor when disobeying the law). And, here, to bolster his argument, Paul seems to have quoted an early Christian confession. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 2 (Mark 2:13–17) — His Kingdom Is for Sinners
Jesus Is the Friend of Sinners, Part 2 His Kingdom Is for Sinners
(Mark 2:13–17)
Now, the day of salvation in your life should be a day of celebration, and that's how Levi saw things. He invited Jesus to his house and invited his friends, many tax collectors and sinners. They gathered around the table and, as was their custom, reclined as they feasted together. It was a celebration, but also a farewell party. Levi had a new life, calling, and adventure in front of him. (4 Minutes/1100 Words)
Read moreJesus Is the King We Should Follow (Mark 1:2-4)
Jesus Is the King We Should Follow
(Mark 1:2-4)
Mark rarely quotes from the Old Testament Scriptures. When he does quote them, it is only the characters of the particular episode -- usually Jesus -- quoting them. (3 Minutes/800 Words)
Read moreArchival Post: Faith Is The Way To God
Faith Is the Way to God
Archival Post:
Abel was the son of Adam and Eve and brother to Cain. We don't know much about these two men, but we do know they both offered a sacrifice to God. Perhaps God had instructed them to do so. Perhaps their parents had taught them the need for sacrifice. Whatever their reason for sacrificing to God, Genesis tells us their sacrifices were somehow different.
Read moreWhat Does the Magnificat Say About Mary?
What Does The Magnificat Say About Mary?
The Magnificat - Part 1
Allow me to introduce you to a much better Christmas song than any modern artist could compose. In the early chapters of Luke, three songs were sung. Simeon sang the third after he held baby Jesus in his arms in the temple. Zechariah sang the second after his wife, Elizabeth, in her old age, bore a son they named John. And Mary sang the first after visiting Elizabeth, a relative, while both of them were pregnant. (7 Minutes/2000 Words)
Read moreLeviticus 18-19
Now, turning to Leviticus chapter 18, we turn to a chapter of Scripture, again for the people of Israel, where we have laws restricting sexual activity, laws restricting sexual activity. I should remind you here at this point in Leviticus that a proper interpretation of the Old Testament law is that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law.
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